Parliament in the Making:
The Beginning of Freedome
At the heart of the 2015 programme was The Beginning of that Freedome banners exhibition in Westminster Hall which ran from 20 January – 12 December 2015. During that time an estimated 750,000 members of the public visited the Hall and encountered the banners, along with the many thousands of people coming to Parliament on business.
Nine artists from around the UK were commissioned to create the banner images. They were: Maria Amidu, Alinah Azadeh, Ross Birrell, Ruth Ewan, Rachel Gadsden, Joel Millerchip, Ross Sinclair, Paula Stevens-Hoare and Jason Wilsher-Mills. The artists were selected through an open-call process and were chosen to reflect the diversity of the UK population, as well as representing a variety of art forms.
Selected images

Photos: © Jessica Taylor, UK Parliament